He was hating the influences of her friends ... but her friends were just the reflections of her real personality ... … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

She met Eva ... and right away started to talk about... jewelleries.

She met with Alice ... and she started to complain to him ... that they don't go to night clubs.

She met with Karolina ... and then started to tell to him ... that she dreams of a trip on a yacht ... ideally on Saint Tropez.

She met with Eva ... and then keep asking him ... "Why the hell you never surprise me with flowers... and candies ... like other men do?!"

And ... unfortunately for John ... Angelina had lots of friends.

... meeting with them all the time.

I knew ... he loved her ... but he was becoming more and more annoyed of all those influences came from her friends.

One day he even dared to tell her ... "Can't you cut the connections with all those friends?! I just had enough of them?!

Each time ... when you meet with them ... you come up with


new and new ideas.

I can't stand it anymore ..."

But .... somehow all was ... a lie.


He was lying himself ... by such a long, long time ... and could not stop himself doing it.

Cause ... it was not about ... the influences.

All her close friends ... were reminding her about .... her desires.

... going to shopping for new and new fancy clothes.

Going to night clubs.

Or ... parties on yachts.

Receiving ... gifts ... from flowers and candies ... to expensive jewelleries.

And ... all that could make her have the lifestyle of a ... princess.

She ... adored all that.

Like ... all her friends.

But ... he was annoyed... of so, so many desires ... and honestly he came into a point when he didn't wanted to listen to her anymore.

He had ... enough.

Only ... his strong feelings of love ... still kept him prisoner into that story ... but every new day ... was the confirmation that he couldn't make her feel ... like a princess.

Meanwhile her friends ... reminded her of that.

Her friends ... also confirmed all the time ... that he will lose his minds ... listening to one million desires.

So ... the love story had ... a price.

He could accept that ... or refuse it.


And .... the price of delaying was that ... he was annoyed of her ... all the time.

Listening ... "I want that ... and that ... and that ... and that ...", but ...

Most certainly ... he couldn't delay that ... anymore.

He had to accept that it was a not a problem of influences came from her friends ... but a problem of personality.

Yes .... a problem of compatibility with her personality.

And ... still he loved her ...

So ... all continued ... loving and enduring the pain .... of not really having the same values ... and not being on the same frequency ...

Or balancing... between having and having that ...






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philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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